Tanya’s Blog

How to get strong

The answer to the question “How to get strong” is multi-layered, and quite technical, but with a little focus and a clear plan, you’ll be reaching your goal in no time. You’ll also accrue a host of anti-aging and health benefits along the way.

What is cardio and should I do it?

What is cardio? Answering technically, it is any physical exercise that uses oxygen to meet the energy demands of a workout. In my experience though, people ask this question when trying to understand whether or not this mode of training will help them successfully achieve their physical goals.

How to build core muscles

The means by which to build a strong core seems to be a confusing and misunderstood issue, so to achieve it properly, a knowledge of abdominal anatomy is necessary.

What’s my body type?

Your body shape can tell you what type of activity is best suited to you, helping to make the most of your natural talents. Working with your body and helping it develop its natural affinities makes working out more pleasurable.

The journey to self-love: Embracing the pudding

I’m 51 and I’m in good shape. As a woman, this has invariably led to me being regularly called (amongst other things) ‘fortunate’, ‘genetically gifted, or – simply – ‘lucky’.


Personal training – your perfect partner

Personal training – your perfect partner

What is it you want or need in a coach/trainer? For some it’s important to have either a carrot or a stick handy, to keep momentum and motivation up. For these clients, a personal trainer is the perfect partner and coach. For others, it’s about learning  – learning more about their bodies; learning about how their regular habits have led to their current physical state, and learning what it’s going to take to change it for the better over the long haul. It might a posture issue, an injury, or simply a desire to change the shape and tone of the body. 

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Movement or exercise: which is better?

Movement or exercise: which is better?

Physical activity encompasses movement and exercise. But which is more important? Movement should come first since the benefits are enormous and far-reaching. Then – if you have the time, energy and desire – think about adding exercise to your day/week.

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Pilates revamped

Pilates revamped

Pilates is, to the exercise industry, what Tom Ford was to Gucci! A much-needed revamping of ideas (around focused movement, in this case). Disciples of Pilates can’t help but sound enthusiastic about it. Whether because it “fixed” their backs, they feel stronger for it, or they just love this style of exercise. What I appreciate about it is simple. It’s the unending attention given to form and control of movement. As a pedant, this is music to my ears!

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How to get strong

How to get strong

The answer to the question “How to get strong” is multi-layered, and quite technical, but with a little focus and a clear plan, you’ll be reaching your goal in no time. You’ll also accrue a host of anti-aging and health benefits along the way.

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What is cardio and should I do it?

What is cardio and should I do it?

What is cardio? Answering technically, it is any physical exercise that uses oxygen to meet the energy demands of a workout. In my experience though, people ask this question when trying to understand whether or not this mode of training will help them successfully achieve their physical goals.

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What’s my body type?

What’s my body type?

Your body shape can tell you what type of activity is best suited to you, helping to make the most of your natural talents. Working with your body and helping it develop its natural affinities makes working out more pleasurable.

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Is a plant-based diet healthy?

Is a plant-based diet healthy?

Animals have a means of protecting against predators. But plants also have a mechanism for defending themselves. Phytoalexins are a plant’s “claws”. These are defence chemicals that can be harmful when consumed. Historically, we’ve assumed that a plant-based diet provides nutrients that are beneficial to human health. But what if we’re wrong?

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Reducing menopause digestive issues

Reducing menopause digestive issues

As women, we tend to experience a great many menopause digestive issues. This is because our gut houses so many oestrogen, and other hormone, receptors. Before we get into the specifics of menopause and the gut, however, it’s important we understand the digestive...

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Healthy food and the supermarket experience

Healthy food and the supermarket experience

Jack and Jill lived at the bottom of the hill. Their water source was at the top, until a national supermarket chain opened next door. Although a great convenience, they had to beware the marketing wolves, who were intimately schooled in parting people from their money…

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Lower blood sugar in 6 easy ways

Lower blood sugar in 6 easy ways

Lower blood sugar levels are the key to staying lean and healthy. It's not as hard as you might think and over time, will have an incredibly positive impact on all the systems in your body. Below we're going to cover six easy ways to do just that. Lower blood sugar:...

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Armageddon, or I’m-a-gettin’?

Armageddon, or I’m-a-gettin’?

If 2020 was the year for catalytic change, 2021 may be the year we stay open to everything; the year we give our all to finding passion and self-fulfilment. Let’s think creatively and expansively. Let’s grow beyond our wildest imagination.

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The perfect body. Illusion or reality?

The perfect body. Illusion or reality?

As a gender, us females are conditioned to believe we’re acceptable only when “perfect”. Much of our life is spent chasing this illusory state. On the surface of it, we wish (so very much) for that coveted (and oh-so-model-esque) toned and lean beach body. But deep down we know it’s not likely we’ll achieve it.

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Putting me first

Putting me first

How do I show self-love? Let me count the ways… carrot cake from Flavourtown (when they have it in); a really good book (when I have the time for it); a manicure (on my birthday); a good movie (when I’m able to stay awake long enough to watch it). Hang on. I’m not...

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Get off the hamster wheel!

Get off the hamster wheel!

It’s only when you can relax, give yourself permission to chill when you want to, but be mindful of your goals all at the same time that you’ll be able to consider a healthy diet and exercise regime a new lifestyle worth adopting.

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Move your bootie

Move your bootie

Our lives, our work, our play has gotten more and more sedentary and this is a major problem for us as humans – will we be known as the coach potato generation?

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Dressing for my inner Chewbacca

Dressing for my inner Chewbacca

You know why we seek that affirmation from others? Because, we can’t seem to say it to ourselves! We don’t appear able to give ourselves permission to be gorgeous, beautiful, admirable, courageous, and intelligent (and to celebrate all this through our decisions on what to wear).

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