Menopause at work

Menopause at work with Tanya Wyatt 1 - Tanya Wyatt - Corporate

In this dedicated programme, I offer tailored solutions and unwavering support for women navigating the challenges of menopause in the workplace. As a seasoned menopause coach and wellness expert, my approach is rooted in science-based insights, delivering workshops and modules that address key health issues specific to professional settings.

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Understanding menopause

Menopause isn’t just a phase; it’s a journey that extends over time. On average, it occurs at 52, but its effects can surface 12-14 years earlier, during peri-menopause, bringing a spectrum of symptoms. The decline in oestrogen impacts mood and memory, increasing the risk of anxiety and depression, and hastening brain ageing. Coupled with the drop in progesterone, the calming hormone, women face distinct challenges especially under pressure. Recognising this impact, responsible employers turn to my workshops for positive outcomes in health, wellbeing, and workplace productivity.

Understanding Menopause with Tanya Wyatt - Tanya Wyatt - Corporate

Real results, real people

My approach

Enhancing workplace wellness for women

As your menopause coach, I introduce a holistic corporate wellness programme through my proven Menopause @ Work initiative. This comprehensive strategy aims to elevate women’s wellbeing, offering benefits such as enhanced mental clarity, stable moods, increased energy, and improved stress resilience. Tailored modules, grounded in my three pillars of health – movement, nourishment, and mindset – address the unique health needs of your organisation. With over 30 years of experience, I provide concise, science-based assessments, education, and solutions, fostering a thriving workplace for women amidst menopausal challenges. My extensive corporate involvement includes collaborations with notable companies like Volkswagen SA, Old Mutual, SAB, and more. As a former professional ballet dancer turned wellness expert, I have contributed to industry standards and have shared insights in magazines such as Men’s Health, Marie-Claire, Cosmopolitan, and Shape (also serving on the latter’s advisory board). Beyond corporations, my dedication extends to schools, promoting the development of happy, healthy children.

Trusted by leading organisations

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The Heart Foundation logo
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