Menopause Blueprint Tanya Wyatt - Tanya Wyatt - Menopause Blueprint

Menopause Vitality Blueprint

Discover vitality in your menopause journey

Embrace menopause, embrace you

Feeling lost in the labyrinth of menopause? Embark on a personalised journey with me, Tanya Wyatt, to rediscover your vibrant self. Through the Menopause Vitality Blueprint, we’ll craft a unique roadmap designed just for you. We’ll navigate the changes together, using insights from a comprehensive questionnaire and leveraging the science of epigenetics to optimise your lifestyle and environment. It’s time to minimise triggers, maximise wellbeing, and embrace menopause with confidence!

menopause programme uk - Tanya Wyatt - Menopause Blueprint
The menopause coaching process - Tanya Wyatt - Menopause Blueprint

The coaching process

Our journey starts with a personalised health assessment, designed to uncover the hidden factors impacting your health and weight. This insightful tool has empowered countless women to achieve and maintain their goals.

Forget cookie-cutter approaches: I believe in tailoring my support to you. Based on your unique needs revealed through the assessment, I’ll create a bespoke action plan. This can lead to rapid and lasting improvements in your health, weight, and energy levels.

Beyond the scales: We’ll delve into the fascinating world of epigenetics, the science of how your lifestyle choices influence your genes. This means we can heavily influence ‘switching off’ genes linked to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Together, we’ll craft daily habits that align with your genetic potential, minimising environmental triggers and optimising your wellbeing.

Menopause is a transition, not a limitation. Discover your inner strength and navigate this journey with confidence.

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Take control of your menopause

Feeling the struggle of menopause symptoms like weight gain, restless nights and fatigue? It’s a common experience, but it doesn’t have to define you. The Menopause Blueprint programme offers practical and evidence-based strategies to help you manage these issues and regain your sense of wellbeing. No promises of magic solutions – just a chance to learn, explore, and discover what works best for you. Take control of your health journey during menopause.


I’ve lost my ‘old’ body and mind. Can you help?

Your hormonal levels are undergoing huge change, but there’s much we can do to offset this and get you feeling yourself again. The first step is the health appraisal questionnaire, which every client completes. This precisely focused questionnaire helps us pinpoint the most effective weight loss and/or health improvements. In addition, we’ll unpack your diet to assess its impact on your current health and weight.

Will I be given a diet plan?

No, but I will give you advice on making changes specific to your diet. This is based on my +30 years of experience and training and is fully personalised to you, so it’s absolutely not about a one-size-fits-all plan. I’ll guide you as you experiment with your diet and make the choices that work best for you.

How soon will I see changes?

My clients tend to see things start to change within 7-10 days. Most commonly, they find that their belly shrinks, their energy improves, and they’re less bloated. Remember, the greater your margins for change the faster you’re likely to see it (for instance, if you are overweight, retaining water, or very bloated). 

When will I achieve my goals?

This depends on many things, and a far more appropriate question to ask is, ‘How long have I been treating my “self” and my body poorly?’ Most people who come to see me have had the same habits for decades, not months, so achieving their health and weight goals can be take time. It’ll happen – with patience.


Embrace On-Demand

EMBRACE empowers you to dive deeply into key menopause themes at your own pace, with expert-led videos & actionable resources to guide you along the way.

Explore at your own pace:

  • 10+ hours of expert-led menopause health videos
  • Essential topics: nutrition, gut health, sleep, stress management, exercise, weight-loss hacks, etc.
  • Convenient on-demand access

Boost your transformation: 

  • 2 x Customisable 7-day meal plans with 42 delicious & easy recipes + handy shopping lists
  • Downloadable nutritional guidelines, record-keeping notes, & printable ‘takeaway tips’


Thrive Guided Programme

Tanya delivers personalised coaching, expert guidance & actionable strategies to help you achieve optimal wellbeing during your unique menopause journey.

Your personalised roadmap:

  • 3.5 X 60-minute consultations – partner with Tanya to tailor your menopause blueprint, address your specific concerns & set achievable goals
  • Ongoing support over 3 months – stay motivated & accountable with regular email support & guidance  to ensure your progress

Bonus resources:

  • 2 Customisable 7-day meal plans with 42 delicious & easy recipes + handy shopping lists
  • Enjoy practical tools like nutritional guidelines & record-keeping notes for daily application


Wellness Breakthrough Session

The wellness breakthrough session is designed as an introductory, personalised consultation to help you understand your health profile and set actionable goals for improved wellbeing during menopause and beyond. 

This package includes:

  • One-hour consultation with Tanya Wyatt: A personalised session to discuss menopause-related health concerns and goals, guided by Tanya Wyatt’s expertise in women’s health.

  • In-depth health assessment: Evaluation of your current health status, focusing on menopause symptoms and overall wellbeing.

  • Customised action plan: Practical steps and strategies tailored to manage menopause symptoms and enhance overall health, designed specifically for your unique needs.

  • 7 days of support: Continuous guidance and assistance from Tanya Wyatt to help you implement your action plan effectively and make adjustments as needed during the initial week following your consultation.


    Reimagine Health

    Unlock lasting health and wellbeing with comprehensive support and personalised tools in the REIMAGINE programme. Go beyond knowledge and master your journey with Tanya’s expert guidance.

    Your empowering experience:

    • 7 x 60-minute consultations – partner with Tanya to customise your transformation, focus on your specific needs for your unique menopause journey & set your personal empowering action plan
    • 10+ hours of expert-led on-demand menopause health videos on topics like nutrition, gut health, sleep, stress management, exercise, weight-loss hacks, etc.
    • Ongoing support over 6 months – stay motivated & accountable with regular email support & guidance from Tanya to celebrate your progress; see healthy daily habits become neurologically embedded

    Bonus resources:

    • 2 Customisable 7-day meal plans with 42 delicious & easy recipes + handy shopping lists
    • Enjoy practical tools like nutritional guidelines & record-keeping notes for daily application
