Save your body – box your lunch!

Lunchbox Recipe Booklet

Lunchbox recipes for your good health

Whether packing lunch for work, for kids on a road trip, or for a family picnic, we think you’ll find these 19 recipes simple and delicious.

Lunchbox Recipes

These healthy, tasty recipes promote good blood sugar levels, helping to:
* increase energy
* improve concentration
* avoid weight gain
* stabilise emotions
They’ll also motivate you to eat well with fresh, new recipe ideas!

I am writing to you to say thank you. With your advice and some perseverance, I’ve adopted the 16 hour fast rule. Having tried everything else, for the first time in 2 years since I became peri-menopausal, my weight is finally reducing and heading back to my ideal.  Interestingly, I also seem to be sleeping better! Thank you so much for all your advice.  I really am most grateful and found your sessions inspiring and interesting. 

Karen Dalby - London, UK